WorkWeek looks at the decades long criminal cover-up of the development of the Hunters Point-Treasure Island superfund radioactive dump site in San Francisco. We interview Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai about her continuing investigation of the health dangers and officials who have sought to cover-up the illegal contamination and retaliation against whistleblowers at Air America and Tetra Tech. San Francisco politicians including Nancy Pelosi, Willie Brown, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris and London Breed have been involved in stopping investigations and oversight of this $1 billion eco-fraud. She also discusses the role of the University of California San Francisco at their animal laboratory on Hunters Point where AFSCME 3299 and CWA UPTE workers are being contaminated and the efforts to shutdown The Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program. The program also discusses the grant of $500,000 to the San Francisco Labor Council by the developer Lennar and the failure of the EPA and Navy at a San Francisco Labor Council to report on any testing of the workers and residents before development took place. Additional media: The UCSF LARC AFSCME 3299/UPTE Workers Sickness & Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai… OSHA Corruption, Cover-up & US Inspector Generals With OHSA Whistleblower & Lawyer Darrell Whitman… The Struggle for Justice At SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard & Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai… Courage & Murder For Profit At Hunters Point Shipyard:The Life of Tetra Tech Whistleblower Carpenter……… SF Treasure Island Radiation Whistleblowers Expose Deadly Cover-up By Tetra Tech & Government: A $1 Billion Dollar Eco-Fraud 2-28-19 SF Chron Reporters Jason Fagone & Cynthia Dizikes On SF Hunters Point Shipyard… SF Hunters Point/Treasure Island Radiation Whistleblower Speaks Out… SF Treasure Island CHARADE, Criminal Cover-up & Fraud By US Navy & Cover-up By Pelosi/Feinstein… OSHA WPP Investigator and Lawyer Darrell Whitman Blows The Whistle On His Own Agency… WorkWeek Production of Labor Video Project